dimecres, 23 d’octubre del 2013


     1.     Esbrina les dades següents del teu accés a Internet:
Proveïdor d’accés a Internet (ISP)
Velocitat de baixada nominal
Mesura la velocitat de baixada
2.78 Mbps
Mesura la velocitat de pujada
434 kbps
IP del teu ordinador

2. Esbrina a quines URL corresponen les adreces IP següents:
Adreça IP
3. Si la velocitat de baixada d’una ADSL és de 10 Mbps, i el servidor que ens ofereix el servei de descàrrega suporta aquesta velocitat, quin serà el temps aproximat per baixar un fitxer de 100 Mbytes?

8 bits = 1 byte                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

10 Mbps = 106 bps         100 Mbits / 8Mbytes = 12,5 Mbytes    x = 12,5/10 x = 1,25 s

El temps aproximat serà d’1 segon i quart

4. Explica la funció d’un DNS i en quin context treballa.
La funció del DNS és facilitar l’accés a qualsevol servidor web per mitjà d’un nom textual fàcil de recordar i que ens permet no haver d’introduir cada vegada que cerquem la pàgina la seva adreça IP.
5. Explica la diferència entre un concentrador (hub) i un commutador de xarxa (switch)

La diferencia entre un hub i un switch és el switch té molta més capacitat de connexió de cables Ethernet que el hub i a la vegada és molt més eficient. El switch permet crear xarxes de molta més llargada que el hub i optimitza el tràfic de dades.

Internet is a network of networks that are distributed all around the planet by cable or by satellite.
Internet has got a net topology, so the communication between two computers can be possible by different ways. If one way doesn’t works, you can try to connect by others.
The first network name was ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency).
To make possible the communication between computer networks and operating systems we use the TCP/IP protocol.
We connect computers and networks by a device called modem who is the intermediary between a local area network and a telephone line.

The ISP (Internet Service Provider) provides the access to Internet, and these are the same telephone company.

The most popular access technology is the ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), which uses the telephone line by copper cable. It is an asymmetric line because the downloading speed is different than the uploading speed.

IP (Internet Protocol) and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) are two protocols  that make possible to exchange information  between networks and computers connected by the  Internet.

The TCP protocol establishes the bases for the communication between two nodes who will exchange information. TCP protocol cut into pieces the information and wraps it when the information leaves a computer, and when it arrives to another computer it repairs and orders the information.

The IP establish the conditions of the transmission by packages of information that can go to the destiny by different ways according the condition of the routes. The IP must identify all the computers of the network through an address. Two computers can’t have the same identification number because every computer has own. This address has got four blocks of numbers and every block can arrive to 255. Other versions of IP are IPv4 and IPv6.


The DNS (Domain Name Server) makes possible to access to a web server without the IP address. The DNS is a textual name easy to remember. It uses the WWW (World Wide Web).

divendres, 11 d’octubre del 2013


The network utilisation indicator determines that there is a 5.2% of media traffic.
The bottleneck is on the fast switch because it recieves data of the two switches.
To improve the network efficience I must increast the NIC of the computers.

dilluns, 7 d’octubre del 2013



We can classify the different types of networks by following different rules.

By the scale:

-          LAN (Local Area Network)
-          WAN (Wide Area Network)

By the functional relation or architecture:

-          Client-Server: The computer server must offer a service to many computers who ask for it.
-          Peer to Peer (P2P): All the computers can be at the same time clients and servers so they don’t need a computer server (networks like Ares, Skype and instant messenger).


It is the way of physical and logical connection between different computers.

-          Bus topology: All computers are connected in parallel on a same line with only a cable.
-          Star topology: The computers are connected on a central node called “hub” with the form of a star.


Cable transmission

-          Coaxial cable: Two cables with concentric conductors. The central cable (data transmission) has got an isolate layer and the second conductor recovers it like a mesh.  It can have a maximum velocity of 10 Mb/s.

-          Pair plait cable: Two copper isolated cables and plaited for reduce the interferences. It can have a maximum velocity of 1 GB/s.

-          Optical fibre:  Layers of glass and plastic. It transfers digital data using light impulses with a high velocity. . It can have a maximum velocity of 10 GB/s.


We measure it for the number of bits/second.

kbps o kb/s - quilobit for second                                                                  Mbps o Mb/s - megabit for second                                                                                             Gbps o Gb/s - gigabit for second


-          Electronic Ethernet interface: Is the electronic target that all computers must have to connect on a network. The portable computers have got it on the base plate. The MAC (Media Access Control) is a code who identifies every computer. Everyone is different.
-          The hub: Is a device where other cables and specific concentrators are connected. This topology allows the creation of networks that are intercommunicated with concentrators.

-          The switch: Is an electronic device where we connect the computers for create a very long network with more data traffic and concentration than a hub.

-          RJ-45 connector: Allows the physical connection between a device and the cable.

-          The router: Is a device that connects a network and his devices to the Internet. It must adapt to the technology of the exterior connection. The domestic routers have got a ADSL connection, a switch and a point of Wi-Fi access.

divendres, 4 d’octubre del 2013


The computer connection technology was created for make possible to take steps of lots of information and make possible to communicate many different computers.

A computer network is a way to connect many computers for communicates them with others. The computer connections make easier to exchange data, files, applications and internet connection.  Computer networks permit too to communicate with people using instant messages, e-mails and chats and access to data bases and information. You can use a computer network for example for sharing recourses by using scanners, printers, hard drives and access to internet.

The computer networks need a physical connection for transfer data and protocols and an operating system to take steps of communication.

dimarts, 1 d’octubre del 2013



My name is  Joan Antoni Forcadell, I am 15 years old and I live in Amposta. I'm studying in Ramon Berenguer High School. Now, I am doing 4 ESO. Before this, I have studied in the Agustí Barberà School.
My principal hobby is the music. I play the violin in "La Lira Ampostina", a school academy. In addition, this year i started with singing classes.
During this year, I have choosen Computer Science as a optional subject. I have choosen it for diferent reasons. 
The principal reason of my election is because it is a new subject for me. It is very useful in a world where it is all almost computerised and I believed it will serve me to know more of what we use every day. In addition, I'm interested for all themes related as Computer Science because it is very interesting and entertaining. I mean editing videos, for example, is an interesting theme and i'd like to go in dept about it because it is very useful for future projects like making a short film or a difficult video project.
