dimarts, 1 d’octubre del 2013



My name is  Joan Antoni Forcadell, I am 15 years old and I live in Amposta. I'm studying in Ramon Berenguer High School. Now, I am doing 4 ESO. Before this, I have studied in the Agustí Barberà School.
My principal hobby is the music. I play the violin in "La Lira Ampostina", a school academy. In addition, this year i started with singing classes.
During this year, I have choosen Computer Science as a optional subject. I have choosen it for diferent reasons. 
The principal reason of my election is because it is a new subject for me. It is very useful in a world where it is all almost computerised and I believed it will serve me to know more of what we use every day. In addition, I'm interested for all themes related as Computer Science because it is very interesting and entertaining. I mean editing videos, for example, is an interesting theme and i'd like to go in dept about it because it is very useful for future projects like making a short film or a difficult video project.


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